Événements à venir dans le cadre de l'AEPC 2018 par pays :

Allemagne - Belgique - Croatie - Estonie, Lettonie et Lituanie - Finlande - France - Grèce - Irlande - Italie Slovénie -  Suède - Turquie

Merci de noter le Sommet européen du patrimoine culturel, 18-24 juin 2018 à Berlin. Ce sommet, avec sa devise « Partager le patrimoine - partager les valeurs », a été reconnu par l'Union européenne comme l'un des principaux événements publics de l'Année européenne du patrimoine culturel (EYCH) et sera soutenu par le programme Europe créative de l'UE.

[tout le contenu de l'article n'est pas traduit]



18-24 juin 2018 - Sommet du patrimoine culturel européen, Berlin, Allemagne
European Cultural Heritage Summit, 18-24 June 2018 in Berlin
. This Summit, with its motto "Sharing Heritage - Sharing Values", has been recognised by the European Union as one of the key public events of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) and will be supported by the EU's Creative Europe Programme. 

The European Cultural Heritage Summit will be co-hosted by Europa Nostra, the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) and the German Cultural Heritage Committee (DNK), acting as national coordinator of the EYCH in Germany. It will provide a unique platform for further raising the profile and impact of our ever-growing European heritage movement and community. The Summit shall also contribute to the shaping of an ambitious European policy and programme for cultural heritage, as a key vehicle for the revival of the entire European project.  
With its wide scope of engagement of heritage stakeholders (public and private, professionals and volunteers), its ambitious and varied programme, its public outreach and three co-hosting organisations, the Summit will distinguish itself from previous annual European Heritage Congresses organised by Europa Nostra. 

The Summit's highlights:

  • 17-19 June: Conference co-organized by ICOMOS Germany "Iron Curtain and Green Belt - Networks and Opportunities for Cooperation in a European Border Landscape"
  • 21 June: Heritage Excellence Fair (with contributions by our award laureates)
  • 22 June: High-level Policy Debate on Europe & Cultural Heritage 
  • 22 June (evening): Award-giving Ceremony for the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018
  • 23 June (morning): Europa Nostra General Assembly followed by visits of the World Heritage Sites in Potsdam 

Please note that some of our partner organisations will organise side events on 18-20 June and/or on 23-24 June. The programme featuring these side events will soon be available. 

For your possible interest, on the evening of 24 June, Plácido Domingo will perform the title role in opera 'Macbeth' at the recently fully restored Staatsoper Berlin. 

More information about the programme, side events and how to register will follow soon.

Stay tuned to www.sharingheritage.eu and www.europanostra.org

Follow us on Twitter @Kulturerbejahr | @europanostra | @europe_creative #SharingHeritage  | #EuropeForCulture | #Heritage4Europe  Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Kulturerbejahr  - https://www.facebook.com/europanostra



6 octobre 2018 – Qui est le prochain sur la liste ? Se préparer et intervenir pour sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel face à des situations d’urgence

ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles (section francophone d’ICOMOS Belgique) et ICOM Belgique Wallonie-Bruxelles avec le soutien du Bouclier Bleu belge, organisent conjointement une journée de réflexion et de présentation de plans intégrés de prévention des risques et d’urgence pour la préservation et la sauvegarde du patrimoine mobilier et immobilier en cas de catastrophe.

Lieu : MIM, musée des instruments de musique, Rue Montagne de la Cour 2, B-1000 Bruxelles
Contact : teresa.patricio[à]patricio.be



♦  15 -21 Juillet 2018 - 5th CIPA summer school 3D surveying and modeling in cultural heritage

Theoretical lectures (3D surveying, photogrammetry, laser scanning, etc.)
§ Practical work, in the field and in the lab with commercial and open source processing
§ The participants will learn the basics in:
     - surveying and data acquisition
     - data processing methods for 3D models and metric products’ genera􀆟on
§ An opportunity for scholars, MSc and PhD students, researchers and specialists, archaeologists,
architects, restorers, conservationists, geomatic engineers, in the surveying and heritage
fields to deepen their knowledge and expertise with reality-based 3D modelling techniques

Registration fee: 500€
The fee includes full board accommodation at the dormitories of the University of Zadar
Registration before: 30 April 2018
Please send your CV and express your interest to: stratos.stylianides[at]gmail.com
Website: http://cipa.icomos.org/


Estonie, Lettonie et Lituanie

24 mai-16 septembre – Visit Baltic Manors travel campaign

Dedicated to the Centenaries of Baltic countries and European Year of Cultural Heritage

More than 130 historic manor houses and castles in three Baltic countries will open their doors to the visitors in summer 2018. The manor associations and ICOMOS national committees of three countries have joined their forces to organize a cross-border event to visualize the density of manor network in these countries; to highlight the significance of the manors as drivers of cultural, economic and regional development in the past as well as today.


Contact : info[at]icomos.ee



8-10 juin 2018 - Réunion du Groupe Europe, Helsinki, Finlande
Où ? city center and Suomenlinna
Point fort du programme, le séminaire “Everybody´s common heritage: Shared Heritage – Interpretation of Heritage over time” le 8 juin 2018 

Télécharger le programme prévisionnel détaillé



♦ 22-23 mai 2018 - Année européenne du patrimoine 2018 : Rencontres ICOM/ICOMOS/NEMO « Chérir le patrimoine : comment valoriser l’engouement des publics pour le patrimoine ? »

ICOM France (International Council for Museums), ICOMOS France et NEMO (The Network of European Museum Organisations) unissent leurs efforts pour organiser conjointement des rencontres ouvertes au public sur le thème du patrimoine et des publics dans le cadre de l’année européenne du patrimoine. Premier acte symbolique d’un rapprochement entre les organisations, elles se situent dans le cadre de l’année européenne du patrimoine culturel (demande de labellisation ?)…
Dans tous les pays, les publics manifestent qu’ils aiment leur patrimoine. Ils le prouvent en étant de plus en plus présents, de plus en plus assidument dans les musées et les monuments, comme le montre le succès des journées du patrimoine. Comment concilier cet engouement et la rigueur du professionnalisme ? Comment gérer au mieux les publics alors que les financements sont à la baisse et les coûts à la hausse ? Comment faire participer les publics sans compromettre la qualité du travail scientifique ? Comment faire pour valoriser la connaissance pertinente que ces publics ont parfois du patrimoine ? Etc.

Contact : contact[à]icomos.france.fr
Pièce jointe : programme


14-15 septembre 2018 – Conférence internationale : “Safeguarding the Values of the European Cultural Heritage”

The scope of the conference is to exchange opinions and acquired knowledge between experts regarding the preservation of the cultural and historical value of the European heritage, to answer questions about the preservation of Europe’s historical cities, archaeological sites, natural landscapes and integrated aspects of intangible heritage and to discuss principles and policies for their sustainable management.

Within this framework experts and professionals are going to share their views and experience on the protection and communication of the common, yet diverse, cultural heritage of Europe, especially in view of the current political, social and economic challenges.

The sessions will take place in the first day of the conference, whereas during the second day there will be an excursion organized by ICOMOS Hellenic to Eleusis, a city located 20 km from Athens, which has been named European Capital of Culture for the year 2021.

No Registration Fee

Lieu : National Technical University of Athens

Organisateur : ICOMOS Hellenic
Contact : eychicomoshellenic[à]gmail.com



1er Mars 2018 - Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Carbon

A presentation of research work to date in two major studies – one international and one Irish – in renovating historic buildings towards zero carbon. The event comprised a series talks including presentations on recent studies. This workshop, organised by ICOMOS Ireland’s NSCES+CC and The Heritage Council, was supported by The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin City Council, The Heritage Council, and the SEAI.

Titles of Studies:
‘Deep Renovation of Historic Buildings towards lowest possible energy demand and CO2 emission (NZEB)’ The International Energy Agency: Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme Task 59 / Annex 76
‘Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings; Assessing knowledge gaps and addressing skills training in Ireland’ SEAI, Heritage Council & ICOMOS Ireland National Scientific Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change


9-10 Avril 2018 - The Sustainable Development Goals, Heritage, Culture and the Built & Natural Environment

ICOMOS Ireland and the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change (ISCES+CC) coordinated a meeting of the ICOMOS International Task Force on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Dublin in April 2018.

Several leading world experts in their fields travelled to Dublin for the meetings and gave a number of short presentations to stimulate discussion and debate on the main topics. Each meeting was divided into how to localise the Sustainable Development Goals and how to mitigate, measure, monitor and implement these 17 goals, using agreed indicators. A public seminar was held on the afternoon of the April 9th culminating in a panel discussion with international and Irish experts.


18 Avril 2018 – International Day for Monuments and Sites

To mark this years International Day for Monuments and Sites and its theme Heritage for Generations, ICOMOS Ireland’s Emerging Professionals Group organised an evening to introduce ICOMOS, its working and the various charters/principles/conventions which shape conservation and cultural heritage practice to students and emerging professionals. The event included a walking tour of Dublin to discuss a number of chosen charters at specific locations relevant to each one.


7 Juillet 2018  ICOMOS Ireland Annual Outing

ICOMOS Ireland’s Annual Outing for 2018 will visit Belfast, a city renowned for its industrial and maritime cultural heritage. It is intended to visit a range of sites demonstrating the ongoing efforts to conserve this significant legacy including the adaptive reuse of the Harland and Wolff complex and the ornate warehouse buildings of the period.

Ongoing - ICOMOS Ireland Research and Advocacy Project: Good Practice Case Studies Illustrating the Convention on Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention, 2005) in Practice

As ICOMOS Ireland has received funding under the Heritage Council’s EYCH Community Grant Scheme for this project, it is an approved EYCH 2018 project. The Research phase has commenced and there will be an event to be arranged during Heritage Week (18 to 26 August). It is intended to work also in collaboration with ICOMOS Europe Group colleagues on the theme of Participation within Cultural Heritage.


17 Octobre 2018 – ICOMOS Ireland Annual Maura Shaffrey Memorial Lecture

The theme of this year’s Annual Lecture is Historic Urban Landscaped and developments in this area since the publication of the Unesco Recommendations on HUL, 2011 to address Habitat III and the New Urban Agenda as well as the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. The lecture will be given by Professor Mike Turner and will be held in Dublin Castle.


18 Octobre 2018  Historic Urban Landscapes Workshop

Following ICOMOS Ireland’s Annual Lecture on 17th October, ICOMOS Ireland and Dublin City are coordinating a workshop on the theme of the lecture which will be for invited delegates only. The venue and times for this are to be confirmed.

Information: www.icomos.ie


7-8 juin 2018, Venise, Italy -  Conference Internationale
Qui ? Scuola Grande di San Marco, avec la participation d'ICOMOS Italie, Prerico (Comité scientifique international de l'ICOMOS sur les sites de religion et de rituels)
Où ? Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venise
The conference, promoted by the Scuola Grande di San Marco of Venice, aims to open a dialogue with institutions and communities at an international level and included in the dealing with the religious cultural heritage with the aim of working mainly on the future of this important heritage and on the duties which concern those dealing with the preservation and appreciation.
The cultural exchange will inclusive of theology, with its numerous facets, the arts, landscape architecture, the environment as well as economy and cultural aspects intertwined within the contexts of individual communities. The individual person is central to this investigation. Indeed, in a rapidly changing world, this cultural heritage plays an ever-growing role for the person and its position within the community. There will be key note lectures (lectiones magistrales), invited papers and a round table to which will participate all the religious and public or private institutions which operate in the appreciation of convents and monasteries in order that they could all present their respective experiences, the best practices and projects to share. 

info: www.scuolagrandesanmarco.it | scuolagrandesanmarco[à]aulss3.veneto.it
Téléchargement : flyer

25-28 Octobre 2018, Montalbano Elicona - Sicile, Italie - réunion annuelle 2018 de l'ICAHM
"Discover Sicily’s Argimusco: a holistic approach to heritage management"

Qui ? Comité scientifique international de l'ICOMOS sur la gestion du patrimoine archéologique (ICAHM)
Où ? Château médiéval de Montalbano Elicona (province of Messina, Sicily)
Informations & Inscription icahm.icomos.org/2018-icahm-annual-meeting-sicily/
Appel à contribution : Veuillez soumettre votre résumé de présentation par voie électronique avec le formulaire de soumission électronique sur le site Web de la conférence. icahm.icomos.org/2018-icahm-annual-meetingsicily/sicily-submit-an-abstract/sicily-submit-an-abstract/

Pièce jointe : Flyer


26-27 Avril 2018 I Interregional Scientific Conference of NC ICOMOS, Russia "Protection of Cultural Heritage: Problems of the Regions"

In Yekaterinburg.


♦ 22-23 Juin 2018 IV International Symposium "Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage in Museums: Theory and Practice"

In the Republic of Bashkortostan.


Septembre 2018 NC ICOMOS, Russia annual conference and international scientific symposium "Monuments of the World Cultural Heritage in Russia - Problems and Prospects"

In the outstanding historical and cultural center of the country, the ancient city of Novgorod the Great.

Contact: rficomos[a]gmail.com


1) 27 March 2018 - Symposium: Perspectives and challenges of industrial heritage revitalization – Innovative Cultural Tourism

The interdisciplinary symposium is intended for local communities, the economy sector, and everyone confronted with the challenges of revitalization of industrial heritage sites. It is planned as a continuation of the endeavours of professionals working in the field of industrial heritage protection, who strive to include industrial heritage more efficiently in the process of development in general and, in particular, the development of cultural tourism, which is becoming an important opportunity for economic development and at the same time – a possibility for the preservation of industrial heritage.

The symposium is prepared together with TICCIH Slovenia, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, the Section of Technical Heritage by the Community of Slovene Museums, with the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia.

Experts working in the branch, government representatives as well as those of local communities, enterprises and civil associations will all participate in the symposium, in order to discuss models of revitalization concepts and protection of the industrialization heritage of Slovenia.

The topic of the symposium directly touches upon several themes of EYCH2018:
- Common heritage: cultural heritage belongs to us all
- Heritage in transition: new and inventive usage of industrial, religious and military regions and landscapes
- Tourism and heritage: responsible and sustainable tourism with cultural heritage.

Date: 27 March 2018 at 9:30 a.m.
Place: Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Zoisova cesta 12, Ljubljana
Info & registration: www.icomos.si and www.slo-ind-ded.si

The event is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia.

2) 18 April 2018 - Workshop and exhibition “Heritage Connects and Shapes Us”

18 April, the International Day of Monuments and Sites, has been regularly celebrated in Slovenia since 1986. This year’s theme is Heritage for Generations led by the ICOMOS Emerging Professionals Working Group. ICOMOS Slovenia will in that context invite students from different fields – architecture, archaeology, history of art, etc., to prepare a round table and workshop on the topic the Future of Heritage through the Eyes of the Youth.

The celebration will start with the opening of the exhibition Heritage Connects and Shapes Us, prepared by the students of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, together with the experts of ICOMOS Slovenia.

The event directly touches upon the theme of EYCH2018:
Youth for heritage: young people revive cultural heritage.

Date: 18 April 2018 at 4:00 p.m.; exhibition until 1 May 2018
Place: Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Zoisova cesta 12, Ljubljana
Info: www.icomos.si

The event is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia.

3) 20–22 September 2018 - 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage and Legal Issues: Management of Cultural Heritage Sites

The third international scientific symposium on cultural heritage and legal challenges is dedicated to the management of cultural heritage sites. The three main topics are:

- Legal and administrative bases of cultural heritage sites management
- Approaches and policies, examples of good practice and challenges
- Cultural tourism and management of cultural heritage sites

We will discuss various problems within the framework of the three topics and in particular the challenge of the management of world heritage sites under the auspices of UNESCO.

The symposium will enable the broader professional public, as well as everyone interested in heritage management, insight into the various treatments, methods of work and forms of management presented by recognized foreign and domestic lecturers.

We are preparing the symposium together with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, and other partners.
The topic touches upon several themes of the announced European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, # EuropeForCulture:
Heritage for everyone: promoting societal innovations as well as the collaboration of people and communities
Tourism and Heritage: responsible and sustainable tourism with cultural heritage.

Date: 20–22 September 2018
Place: Bled
Info & registration: www.icomos.si

The event is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia.



1) 25-26 April 2018 - Preserve, Use and Develop – International conference on ecclesiastical heritage and its future challenges

A rich programme of case studies, projects and methods on extended uses for churches in the European context. At the conference dinner a pioneering art and music experience as an additional, innovative use of our ecclesiastical heritage will be demonstrated.

Date: 25-26 April 2018

Place: Lund, Sweden
Organizer: The Diocese of Lund in collaboration with Churches Conservation Trust, ICOMOS Sweden, ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Places of Religion and Ritual, and Future for Religious Heritage.
Language: English

Detailed presentation: https://www.svenskakyrkan.se/lundsstift/pud

2) 23-25 May 2018 - World Heritage meeting in Sweden

National conference on sustainable management and use of Swedish World Heritage sites, including workshops on energy and climate, risk management, tourism and culture–nature values.

Date: 23-25 May 2018

Place: Visby, Sweden
Organizer: The Municipality of Gotland & National Heritage Board in collaboration with ICOMOS Sweden
Language: Swedish

Link to a more detailed presentation: http://gotland.se/98898

3) July 2018-July 2020 - Motives for Moving – audience development between young people and museums on the dynamics of Cultural Heritage

A planned two-year project exploring how to understand the character of cultural heritage, to interpret and connect to it as modern citizen, as individual as well as community. (Depending on funding from Creative Europe.)

Date: July 2018-July 2020

Place: Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland
Organizer: Gotlands Museum, Associated partner ICOMOS Sweden
Language: English

Link to a more detailed presentation:




ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey takes the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 as a general framework and carrying it beyond the emphasis on Europe to the the wider context, plans to organize events that would help recognize, promote, create awareness and have long term effects on the conservation of the Cultural Heritage of the country.

Following the motto of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, “Shared Past/ Shared Heritage” the following themes were accepted as an overlying framework in creating events.

• Multi Layered Cultural Heritage
• Digital Cultural Heritage
• Shared Past and Future
• Borders and Interactions
• Shared Cultural Routes

Contact: Burçin Altınsay baltinsay[at]superonline.com

Additional information