6094933994 29f7fd69fe mThis on-line reference collection of benchmark “best practice” documents is being progressively assembled by and for members of the ICOMOS Scientific Committees. The entries identify the range of work being done world-wide to simultaneously advance the development of heritage principles and technical research that is worth sharing to assist the conservation of cultural heritage in all the ICOMOS fields of expertise.

→  ICOMOS ISC20C Heritage Toolkit 
A web-based toolkit of reference resources for conserving the Heritage of the Twentieth Century

Consult the collection of resources on “Building Resilience by Reducing Disaster Risks to Cultural Heritage", brought together by ICORP President Rohit Jigyasu on the Prevention web portal.

Image : © Margaret Almon / flickr 

Visuel volume1 UF rezizedICOMOS University Forum: Download or open any online article of the deriving from the international ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions held 13–15 March 2017 at ICOMOS International Headquarters in Paris, France.

Editorial board: Prof. Cornelius Holtorf, Toshiyuki Kono, Prof. Loughlin Kealy. Published in March 2018.


Couv Monumentum


→ Find the complete issues of ICOMOS Scientific journal "Monumentum", published between 1967 and 1984.

Access "Monumentum" page



Inora couvDownload or open any online issues of INORA journal (International Newsletter on Rock Art) until 2014 (the most recent numbers are still for sale by the publisher).

Access INORA page 



?    Does the Documentation Centre loan books?

The Centre does not lend books for security reasons as many visitors come from all around the world for only short periods of time. However it proposes services such as copying or scanning within the limits of copyright law.
See: Documentation Centre - Loans and services



?    How can I get to the reading room? Do I need an appointment?

The Documentation Centre is based in Paris, France, at the ICOMOS International Secretariat. No appointment is needed: the Centre welcomes all the readers from 2 pm to 5 pm every day except Wednesday (and until 8 pm on Monday). See Documentation Centre - Opening times and access



?    Can I access and consult all nomination files of World Heritage properties?

Before the inscription of the property

In the Documentation Centre you can only consult the nomination files of the UNESCO World Heritage inscribed properties. The nomination process remains confidential until the World Heritage Committee makes its final decision during its annual session which takes place at the end of June or at the beginning of July.

After the inscription of the property

The nomination files are public as soon as properties are inscribed on the World Heritage List. Note that all the nomination files of the properties inscribed after 1998 are available online at: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list (tab “documents” for each site). For sites inscribed before that date, you can consult the paper nomination files available at the Documentation Centre.

 The most recently inscribed properties are listed at: http://whc.unesco.org/en/newproperties

World Heritage Centre FAQ section: http://whc.unesco.org/en/faq/


?    Can I access and consult the nomination files of World Heritage properties that have been deferred or rejected in the past?

In the Documentation Centre you can only consult the nomination files of UNESCO World Heritage inscribed properties. The files of deferred or rejected properties are confidential and are not available to the public.

Additional information