Ete2013 001 WEB

Volunteers are recruited on a regular basis to assist the documentalist with tasks such as:

- Cataloguing on WINISIS ,
- Registering and analyzing  periodicals
- Documentation research 
- Services to readers (selective bibliographies, selective dissemination of information...)
- Uploadning documents to the ICOMOS Open Archive,
- Working on the photobank project in progress.

Required background: be a student or graduate in library/information management sciences. Training in the field of cultural heritage is considered an advantage, but is not sufficient to qualify.


Non profit organization, ICOMOS strives like many NGOs to offer a good service with few material means. A documentation centre is not, by intrinsic nature, a profitable institution. Although in-depth research and quality documentation are essential to any restoration/conservation project, they are not quantifiable in terms of benefits.  Documentary resources thus get cut when budgetary restrictions are required.

One after the other, documentation centres of international organizations centres close their doors for financial reasons (UNESCO cultural sector, ICOM...).

Help us maintain a resourceful collection and a good information service, for the sake of cultural heritage protection!

