visuel article webinaire beyrouthThe Urban Thinkers Campus are proposing a webinar about “Beirut post-blast reconstruction : Climate Heritage Planning to build back better” organized by ICOMOS, FNAU-MTPA, AUB Urban Lab and IFPO, in the framework of the UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign on 17 March, 2:00-5:00 pm, Beirut local time (CET +1)






More than 500 NGOs support the reconstruction of the city of Beirut, blasted on 4th August 2020, killing more than 200 people and affecting more than 8.000 buildings, mainly in the historical part of the city. 

Even with the help of the population and subsidies from donors, under the coordination of the Army and the Governor of Beirut, the reconstruction cannot be implemented only with NGOs, without national government (dismissed after the blast), weak institutions, social contest and slow process to deliver funds. Among the main challenges for reconstruction is to strengthen the institutions, and build back better.

Taking place back-to-back with a major conference prepared by the Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut, it will benefit from its outcomes to foster a productive dialogue between Lebanese institutions, International organizations, professionals, academics and NGOs, on the opportunities to be seized in the reconstruction of the city.



téléchargement Read more at: Urban Thinkers Campus BEIRUT POST-BLAST RECONSTRUCTION Climate-Heritage Planning to Build back better for the webinar on 17 March, 2:00-5:00 pm, Beirut local time (CET +1).


See also:

Picto doigt Cultural heritage damaged in Beirut: ICOMOS, ICOM and ALIPH conduct a joint mission

Picto doigt  ICOMOS Lebanon - Statement of Concern on the Destruction of Cultural Landscape Heritage




Additional information