Statement_ICA_ICCROM_IFLA_ICOMOSAs we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the 1954 Hague Convention, the International Council of Archives (ICA), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) express their deep concern about the escalating destruction of life and cultural heritage.

Amund Sinding-Larsen Gazzola PrizeAfter being virtually awarded the Gazzola Prize in 2020, Amund Sinding-Larsen was finally handed the prestigious medal on May 6, in a ceremony organised by ICOMOS and hosted in his honour by the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Norway to UNESCO.

Amund Sinding-Larsen is considered a leading figure within the field of rights-based approaches in cultural heritage and the integration of human dignity into heritage practices.

Dawson MunjeriICOMOS is sad to hear about the passing of Professor Dawson Munjeri. With a long, illustrious, and fruitful national and international career, he is regarded as a key contributor to the conservation and promotion of African tangible and intangible cultural heritage. His role in the inscription of Zimbabwean sites on the World Heritage List makes him a leading authority in the country's cultural heritage protection.

UN Ocean Decade Conference ICOMOS

The 2024 United Nations Ocean Decade Conference - co-organized by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO) - took place in Barcelona 10-12 April, 2024. The event centred around the identification of the future challenges and priorities for ocean knowledge and science. Experts from the ICOMOS International Committee on Underwater Cultural Heritage (ICUCH) represented ICOMOS at the conference.

UNESCO ICOMOS ChernihivMission March24From 18-22 March 2024, a UNESCO/ICOMOS mission to Chernihiv on Guidance for Developing a Rehabilitation Plan for the Historic Center of Chernihiv and Methodology for Emergency Preparedness Plans was held in Chernihiv, Ukraine.

ICOMOS sent 5 international experts onsite to help with the rehabilitation and methodology.

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