Experts Database


» I lost my password
» I am an ICOMOS member but have not received a password yet

Welcome to the ICOMOS's experts database

To access data or to modify them, regardless your status (individual member, institutional member, membership manager of a National or International Committee), you need first to accept the conditions of use of the databank. In order to do so, please go to 'Agreement' after entering your e-mail address (login) and pass word.

ICOMOS has developed this database with the greatest care and security filters have been installed. ICOMOS is not responsible for the content of the expert files as the sole responsibility lies with their authors.

This databank was initiated with enthousiasm by Gilles Nourissier (+), member of the ICOMOS Executive Committee (2005-2006) and with the technical support of Nétéor.
ICOMOS is very grateful for the generous support from the Fondation du Patrimoine (Foundation for Heritage, France).

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