topThe Board of ICOMOS has approved the formation of a new International Scientific Committee on Water and Heritage (ISCWater)ISCWater is now launching a call for interest to all ICOMOS Committees and members.

All through history, all over the world, water has been a decisive factor in human life and the development of society. Water has forever been central to people’s identity, traditions, beliefs and way of living – it is a vital concern for everyone. Water heritage is everywhere.

ISCWater aims to progress the knowledge and experience about the World’s water heritage, to promote the conservation of this heritage and sustainably address water-related challenges of the present and future.

In line with our Mission Statement, the new ISC wishes to:

  • create an international platform for interaction between ICOMOS, its International Scientific Committees, National Committees, Working Groups, and other heritage organisations, the water sector, governments, agencies, associated communities and NGOs – for networking, education and dialogue;
  • develop methodologies, training, policies and good design process, responding to traditional wisdom, to inform climate change mitigation and adaptation, and improve current and future water management and planning; and
  • generally strengthen the role of water heritage in social engagement and policy-making.

We are now asking individuals to express their interest in membership of ISCWater!

At this stage this call is directed at individual ICOMOS members, and people in the wider water sector. In time, we will seek to define Expert Members and identify representatives/liaison persons from National Committees, other ISCs and working groups of ICOMOS, and institutional members.

If you are interested,

To join, please contact the ISC Water Secretary General, Tino Mager ( and provide:

  • a letter explaining your interest in water-related heritage and why you would like to become a member of the ISCWater; and
  • a CV showing your experience in cultural heritage and water-heritage issues.


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