In 2017, the 19th Triennial General Assembly and annual Advisory Committee will take place from 19 - 25 November 2017 (tentative dates) in Delhi on the invitation of ICOMOS India.

On this occasion an International Scientific Symposium on the issue of "Heritage & Democracy" (working title) will take place. 

More information will be posted in due course.  

The General Assembly is the sovereign body of ICOMOS. 

The new ICOMOS Statutes which entered into force in January 2015 foresee an annual General Assembly that takes place on the same occasion as the annual Advisory Committee meeting.

The agenda of the annual General Assembly focuses on: receiving the reports of the ICOMOS President and Treasurer on the management by the Board and the health and financial situation of the association; and approving the annual report and accounts and discharging the Board, as well as voting next year’s budget.
All other matters such as adoption of doctrinal texts, elections of the Board and officers, conferring of Honorary membership, voting the ICOMOS General Programme and budgetary guidelines for the next triennium, as well as proposing resolutions for adoption by ICOMOS continue to be dealt with by the triennial General Assembly. 

All members shall have the right to attend the General Assembly and may be designated to be a voting member at the General Assembly within the conditions set out in Articles 9-a and 13-d-4 of the Statutes. 

The Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly are currently being redrafted. 

On behalf of ICOMOS Italy and the Scientific Committee for the Symposium, ICOMOS has the pleasure of launching the call for papers for the Scientific Symposium which will take place in Florence, Italy, on the occasion of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly, from 10 to 14 November 2014, on the theme : “Heritage and Landscape as Human Values”.

Download the call for papers
Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2014
(Extended deadline: 10 February 2014)

For more information on the 18th General Assembly  
(further practical information will be posted in early 2014) 

Additional information