banner culture2030goalICOMOS is proud to announce, as a member of the Culture 2030 Goal campaign, the Press Release issued on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly this week, which also marks the 75th anniversary of the UN. 

With leaders gathering from around the world for the United Nations General Assembly, a key focus will be on the steps that need to be taken to ensure a strong, fair response to COVID-19, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

As our contribution to this reflection, the Culture2030Goal campaign is today releasing a video underlining why – and how – culture should be integrated into both short-term recovery, and long-term development strategies.


The video represents the highlights from the campaign’s event, held on 13 July 2020 as part of the United Nations High Level Political Forum, which brought together high-level representatives from the United Nations and its agencies, and major culture networks.

See the press release and the Culture2030Goal webpage with more information.

See also

Picto doigtCultural Heritage and Sustainable Development

Picto doigtUN 75 website


Credits: © Culture2030 Goal Campaign