logo3Here are the latest initiatives for the month of June that ICOMOS Sustainable Development Goals Working Group is doing, including different topics such as world heritage and other matters on cultural policies.

SDG item 11. What is needed to create a Culture Goal for sustainable development?

ICOMOS, together with the the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign is doing a survey on how to create concrete and bold steps to shift thinking wherein culture is at the core of decision-making. The campaign is also searching for ideas on how a stand-alone goal on culture can be created. 

Please answer these surveys written in English, French or Spanish but you are free to respond in a language you will be most comfortable with, even if the 3 languages are not used specifically. 
Deadline for responses is 21 June 2022.

English: https://forms.gle/PtdNriegXumZVzMh7
French: https://forms.gle/TtXcXPJx4r8vBvWu6
Spanish: https://forms.gle/7Pbryt3CUyY7MGGZA

SDG item 22. WHITRAP Shanghai World Heritage Dialogues - Beginning 11 June 2022

From 11 June to 16 November, WHITRAP is organising dialogues that will talk about World Heritage and its 50 years of existence. The dialogues are knowledge sharing roundtable discussions aiming to showcase and discuss the conservation and management of World Heritage sites, the strength and relevance of the Convention and the ways to achieve a better linkage between conservation and development as well as promoting Asia and Pacific experiences. 

The first dialogue will focus on Quality of Life and I will be helping start the discussion with a presentation entitled, "Quality, Quantity and Sustainability of Sites in the World Heritage List".

For those interested to attend the first dialogue on 11 June 2022 15:00 Beijing Time, there will be an English livestream that you can access here: https://wx.vzan.com/live/tvchat-1763981830?v=1654496077377