af culture2030goal 2021 2 1ICOMOS Working Groups have contributed to two recent reports on the integration of cultural heritage within sustainable development:

Culture in the Localization of the SDGs: An Analysis of Voluntary Local Reviews

Ege Yildirim, former SDGs Working Group Focal Point wrote a report for the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign to continue analysing the role of culture in the UN processes submitted to the High Level Political Forum (HLPF). The ICOMOS SDGWG Task Team 2, focusing on the Engagement with the UN HLPF and the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign reviewed the document and highlighted the initiatives of ICOMOS in providing capacity to engage with the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs). The report addresses the conditions faced by heritage practitioners amidst Covid-19 and emphasises the powerful role of cultural heritage as a driver and enabler of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The following persons contributed to the writing and review of the report:
- Ege Yildirim (Turkey, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)
- Gabriel Caballero (Philippines, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)
- Bekeh Ukelina (Nigeria, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)
- Cecilie Smith-Christensen (Norway, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)
- Olimpia Niglio (Italy, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)

 Cultural Actions Supporting Gender Equality in Cities and Territories

report 9 cultural policies and gender equality en 01The ICOMOS SDGWG and « Our Common Dignity Initiative » - Rights-based Approaches Working Group as well as ICOMOS International provided UCLG with information on various ICOMOS initiatives that focus on heritage and gender equality. This publication showcases policy statements on gender equality (SDG5) from the ICOMOS document Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals: Policy Guidance for Heritage and Development Actors. It also shows a commitment to the empowerment of women, as it makes reference to the Brussels Declaration, which advocates for the essential role of women in intergenerational transmission of many forms of intangible heritage. The SDGWG and RBA WG have developed a joint task team on Heritage and Gender Equality, highlighting the gender intersection in heritage narratives and engaging with relevant actors to establish and enable gender-sensitive, gender-responsive and gender transformative policies and practices in the heritage field.

The following persons contributed to the submission to UCLG:

- Bekeh Ukelina (Nigeria, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)
- Gabriel Caballero (Philippines, ICOMOS SDGs Working Group)
- Bente Mathisen (Norway, ICOMOS Rights-based Approaches Working Group)
- Bénédicte Selfslagh (Belgium, ICOMOS Rights-based Approaches Working Group)
- Gráinne Shaffrey (Ireland, ICOMOS Rights-based Approaches Working Group)
- Gaia Jungeblodt (ICOMOS International)
- Apsara Sanchez (ICOMOS International)
- Teresa Patrício (ICOMOS President)



Download the report Culture in the Localization of the SDGs: An Analysis of Voluntary Local Reviews here



Download the report Cultural Actions Supporting Gender Equality in Cities and Territories here


See also

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ICOMOS actions on Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development