EYCH2018 Logos Green EN 72

The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage is to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe's cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. The slogan for the year is: Our heritage: where the past meets the future.*

As one of the official “stakeholders” for the European Year, ICOMOS will participate by organizing activites and events at international level and locally through its National Committees.

salzburg ow bartl

The year will see a series of initiatives and events across Europe to enable people to become closer to and more involved with their cultural heritage. Cultural heritage shapes our identities and everyday lives. It surrounds us in Europe's towns and cities, natural landscapes and archaeological sites. It is not only found in literature, art and objects, but also in the crafts we learn from our ancestors, the stories we tell to our children, the food we enjoy in company and the films we watch and recognise ourselves in.*

Photo: Salzburg © ÖW Bartl




How to follow the official communication campaign for the EYCH 2018


ICOMOS involvement 


Watch one of the campaign videos

EYCH clip EN 







(paragraphs marqued with a * - source: https://europa.eu/cultural-heritage/about_en)