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On 3 and 4 February 2020, ICOMOS participated to the Symposium on Water and Culture which took place in Tokyo, Japan, as well as a day of workshops aimed at better understanding the relationships between people and water.


The Symposium welcomed Water and Cultural Heritage experts from all around the world who came together to present situations, share their knowledge and experiences and try to discuss the solutions they have found or the they learned from their Heritage.

The Symposium was also an opportunity to broaden the discussions on water, which will lead to the gradual integration of Culture and Heritage in the process of international dialogue on water with the aim of permanently integrating Cultural Heritage in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to water.

During these days of meetings and sharing, ICOMOS was represented by Diederik Six, Vice-President of ICOMOS Netherlands and creator of the water and heritage awareness shield which links the management of water and culture around the world, but also by Toshiyuki Kono, President of ICOMOS, who presented the role of the organisation in the protection of water-related heritage and who alerted the assembly about the damages that are sometimes inflicted to it in the name of economic development. Mrs. Nupur Prothi Khanna, Secretary-General of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL) insisted that cultural heritage and development must be examined together and not opposed with a presentation of the importance of water in Hinduist customs.

See also

Picto GO TO link ICOMOS at World Water Week 2019