Mission Beyrouth ICOMOS ICOM ALIPH sept2020 © Courtesy of ICOMAs part of their joint mission to Beirut (14-16 September 2020), Marie-Laure Lavenir (ICOMOS), Peter Keller (ICOM) and Valéry Freland (ALIPH) had working meetings with the Director General of Antiquities (DGA) of Lebanon, the heads of several museums and libraries, and many representatives of civil society, including, in particular, the Lebanese committees of ICOM, ICOMOS, and the Blue Shield.

The aim was to contribute to the evaluation of the situation, identify the challenges, and to assist in the coordination of international action and the implementation of concrete projects for the rehabilitation of the heritage damaged by the explosion of 4 August. During the press conference on 15 September at the Sursock Museum, in presence of Dr. Sarkis Khoury (DGA) and Zeina Arida, the Museum’s Director, their strategy was presented as well as ongoing and future projects for Beirut.

Read the full press release here.

See also

Picto doigt Cultural heritage damaged in Beirut: ICOMOS, ICOM and ALIPH conduct a joint mission