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A few years ago, ICOMOS has initiated the project of publishing Thematic Studies about rock art in several parts of the world (Sahara and North Africa in 2007, Latin America and the Caribbean in 2006) The selected region for this new study is Central Asia, a large territory, which extends over a distance of 3500 kilometers from west to east and some 2000 kilometers from south to north. The study is based on a “national” perspective, starting in the west (from the Caspian Sea) and ending in the east: Analyses of Rock Art from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, north-eastern Mongolia and central southern Russia (Siberian region of Tuva and Minusinsk Depression) are detailed in this volume. The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of Rock Art in this region of the world in order to enhance the protection, preservation and management of this heritage.

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